(Ala in the Art Dept.)
(the main studio space, lighting department and awesome fire warning on back wall!)
To be honest the first couple of days were hard: I was shy, nervous and embarassed about the language barriers but I got used to it. I began to enjoy reading body language and communicating through mime. Infact it was interesting to discuss with Aga (whos english is better than mine) at the end of the day whilst we were shopping, eating or laughing.
Towards the end of the week I started to help make a street out of black latex! This was most fun, latex is like sniffing a thousand marker pens and is incredibly satisfying to peel off your hands.
(me being good and wearing my gas mask)(our street, drying)
thursday night wsas my last we went to see some crazy polish jazz called Shofar in an amazing surrealist bar called Kaliska basically the only way to describe this place is 'fucking sexy' the ladies toilets upstair have those walls like in a police station where they appear mirrored on the outside but when your sat on the loo you can watch the whole bar! It was a sweet night and a great send off.
Friday at work was sad. I said my goodbyes, people were shocked. They had only just got used to me being around. Ala's English had improved incredibly my polish not so much but I could manage the bare essentials. My journey home was not good.
The greatest thing about my experience on Project Chopin was that I got to know the entire crew, from every department and how they worked and what made each of them tick and how they all slot together like one massive puzzle. Other students on placement dont get such a well rounded experience. On my last day I took Ala to Martin's (anamatic director) office and asked him to show us the full anamatic for the Paris scene (which had been approved that morning) she said that was the first and last time she would get to go in that office!
One thing I have learnt from my time in Poland is that you will always fight for happiness. Even when you are in a job you love, in an amazing country, where everyone is so lovely and Vodka is so cheap. I don't think as humans we will ever be satisfied with what we have, I don't think I met a single persion there that was. But I dont think thats a bad thing, fighting for something better is what keeps you alive. Right?
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