Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Real Life Quotes.

Spending most of my days ina creative environment some beautiful things get said and noted. current they are all written on my bedroom wall but I feel like I want to share these little pearls of wisdom with the world, well whoever stumbles across this page anyhow. I'm going to update this post continuously as the quotes flow. so here goes for the first bunch i have collected up over the last couple of weeks.
(p.s. Krystof's 'sex' quotes will be saved up until the end of the semester for a different post)

'Don't do things just because you like them and if you do, don't tell your client' - Adrian Shaughnessy

'My life is research' -Adrian Shaughnessy Quoting Iain Sinclair

'Ask yourself 'yes' or 'no' and trust the answer.' -Darren Leader

'We did not become designers by chance but by devotion.' -Martin Grothmark

'One thing I would encourage you to do is to learn to talk about your work.' -Frances Jackson

'Walking is so fucking primative!' -Uzzal

'It's better to make poor designs in a poor office because no one will notice' -Martin Grothmark

'And continue that love for type and the emotional response we get from it.' -Darren Leader

'it's linking the culture that surrounds it rather than being obvious and direct.' -George Payne

'Fail fast and fail cheap' -Iain Tait

'Would you do it?' -Iain Tait

'Cause things to happen; mock up a paper, work with PR, if its not for you, dont be afraid of binning stuff.' -Iain Tait

'Always be inventing and making stuff better, what could you make better?' -Iain Tait

'It's all about people.' -Iain Tait

'...but objects speak in a different language.' -Andy Campbell

'I think it needs reasoning behind it' -Will Farrow

'KISS, Huh? Keep It Simple Stupid' -Gavin Horrell? TD

'Good Design involves Two components: a great idea, executed immaculately' -Gavin Horrell? TD

'Wit: that indescribable little nothing' -Gavin Horrell? TD

'Be creative with your problem' Jonathan Ford, Pearlfisher

'Take any job' Dough James, Honey

'Don't stop dreaming' Richard Murray

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