Monday 20 April 2009


So when the 2012 Olympics logo was released, almost a couple of years ago, it created quite a lot of controversy mainly because it doesn't seem to say anything about... well anything. It just seemed so dull and politically correct that I couldn't even be bothered to try and understand or even hate it. I got used to seeing it around and it became invisible until I went home last week and my 16 year old brother and I were watching the national lottery and he said 'look at that stupid logo, think like a teenage boy and tell me what you see'. Ha! well I saw it instantly. Perhaps I'd just make a good teenage boy or maybe it just is that blindingly obvious. Seems like a fair few others have noticed too! It did make me chuckle how that it's what our country is going to be remembered for, for a very long time, well done Wolf Olins!

Can you see it yet? heres a hint:

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